Bespoke education and Compliance Culture Analysis

Tailored Intervention

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Compliance Culture Analysis

Analysis of beliefs and behaviours allied to targeted interventions to drive sound ethical decision making in the interests of the business.

The Starting Point

Identifying the Challenge

After facilitating numerous mandatory Code training events for pharmaceutical companies, we couldn’t shake the feeling that something crucial was missing. Despite imparting extensive knowledge of rules and regulations, companies continued to make significant compliance mistakes. This led us to question: Why?

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A Mindset Shift

Through introspection fuelled by our extensive experience as signatories, we reflected on the teams we’ve been in that have worked well and those that didn’t – here we had our lightbulb moment. We realised that the success or failure of projects wasn’t solely rooted in a lack of understanding of regulations. Instead, it was deeply intertwined with the organisational culture within which these rules operated. Compliance mistakes, we understood, were often symptomatic of broader cultural issues.

The Innovation

Crafting a Solution

Inspired by our “aha” moment, we set out to develop a model that would empower companies to work on their organisational cultures – something that is often ignored and left to chance. Our model analyses team’s beliefs and behaviours against four key domains that make-up an organisations culture. This then lays the foundations for targeted interventions that Ethos can aid your organisation in running.

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Today and Beyond

Making an Impact

Today, our Compliance Culture Analysis work has inspired multiple teams in prominent pharmaceutical companies, illuminating the intricate dynamics of their organisational cultures. The feedback from our initiatives has been overwhelmingly positive, reaffirming the value of our approach. Teams feel motivated and energised, reigniting their excitement for working in the pharmaceutical company and ultimately bringing benefit to the patient.

See what people are saying about our Compliance Culture Analysis work

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