All-inclusive compliance training for signatories. reviewers. marketers. sales people. communicators. administrators. support roles. agencies.

Onyx by Ethos

The Onyx suite of programmes aim to provide individuals with a comprehensive understanding of the ABPI Code of Practice, the key ethical principles underpinning it, and its practical application. Learners have access to online learning resources and live webinars for a 12-month period, allowing them to consume content at their own pace and find advice and support when they need it.

Get certified, get confidence

Equipping learners with the tools, knowledge, and confidence to make sound decisions that are in both the patient and business interest.

ABPI training for everyone.

We’ve got a programme to suit everyone’s needs. Would you like to see Onyx in action? Schedule your live demo today.

For signatories and commercial leads

Designed to meet the needs of those in medical, compliance or commercial functions seeking a signatory level understanding of ethics, compliance, and the ABPI Code of Practice. Onyx Signatory comprises fifteen online courses and fifteen 90-minute live webinars. In addition, learners have access to monthly drop-in webinars where they can bring practical conundrums and questions, suitably anonymised, to a live forum for discussion and learning.

For reviewers and content creators

Designed to meet the needs of those who require an understanding of the ABPI Code of Practice with respect to the commercialisation of medicines. Onyx Reviewer comprises five online courses and five 90-minute live webinars, and learners also have access to monthly live hot topic webinars. Discussions cover a wide range of compliance topics and provide updates on recent Code cases.

For commercial sales and field roles

Designed to meet the needs of those working in field sales roles. Onyx FieldForce comprises four online courses and two 90-minute live webinars that cover critical areas of field force compliance using scenario and past Code case analysis.

For administrative and support roles

Designed to meet the needs of those working in support roles within pharmaceutical companies or other roles that require a strong basic understanding of the ABPI Code. Onyx Foundation comprises one online course providing an overview of the Code, what it is and how it works as a self-regulatory system. Users will learn about how the Code is structured, the principles underpinning it, its main precepts, how complaints are dealt with and what consequences can accrue from a breach of the Code. In addition, learners have access to one 90-minute live webinar.

For agencies working with pharma

Designed to meet the needs of those working in agencies allied to the pharmaceutical industry. Onyx Agency comprises five online courses and learners are also given access to monthly live webinars (1 hour per session) which provide updates on hot topic areas in Code compliance.

Need something more bespoke ?

Discover our range of compliance solutions designed to meet your goals

Tailored Intervention

Bespoke educational online programmes and live learning events designed specifically to meet your company’s goals.

Compliance Culture Analysis

Analysis of beliefs and behaviours allied to targeted interventions to drive sound ethical decision making in the interests of the business.

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