Mark your calendars!

From webinars to conferences, we have a lot of big events in store. Come and join the fun!

December 11, 2024

Annual Ethos Charity Symposium

Following the resounding success of our last symposium considering all things Ethics, compliance, corporate culture, and the avoidance of cockup we are really looking forward to hosting our second charity symposium which will focus on pharma, AI, and ethics. Further details will be published shortly but mark your calendars… it won’t be one to miss.

June 5, 2024

The Patient and Pharma: Better Together

Meeting Chair: Dr Nick Broughton, Founding Partner, Ethos

Guest Speakers: Dr Paul Robinson (Freelance Pharmaceutical Physician, PJR Pharma), Ms Trishna Bharadia (Patient Engagement Expert & Health Advocate) and Dr Rick Thompson (CEO at Beacon for Rare Diseases)

During our third free lunchtime webinar, our expert panel discussed how we can communicate more effectively with patients and the public, and reflected on the following questions:

  • Are we working as closely as we could be with patients and the public?
  • What are the benefits of doing that – for patients, for the public, for pharma?
  • Is ‘compliance’ the problem, is it just a perceived problem or is it being used as an excuse not to bother?
  • What can we do to communicate more effectively with patients and the public


Watch the webinar now using the link below to hear our panels thoughts

April 19, 2024

PM Talk: AI unleashed, don’t wait for guidance

In this PM Talk LinkedIn live, hosted by Michael Orriss and Claudia Coelho, featuring special guests Shazia Hasan and Dr Nick Broughton, the group discussed how Pharma builds a strong foundation of collaboration including ethics and compliance to deliver value for customers when using AI. Watch the talk using the link below. 

April 17, 2024

I’m a Signatory… Get me out of here!

Meeting Chair: Dr Nick Broughton, Founding Partner, Ethos

Guest Speakers: Dr Andrea Lever (Deputy Country Medical Director UK, GSK) and Dr Samin Saeed (Chief Medical Officer, Random42 Scientific Communication)

In the second of our FREE lunchtime webinar series, we were joined by our expert panel to hear their thoughts on how to not only survive but thrive in the signatory jungle. Watch the webinar now using the link and password below:

Passcode: 5^5wjO.w

February 14, 2024

Compliance culture… Where is the love?

Meeting Chair: Dr Samin Saeed, Independent Pharma Medical Affairs Consultant

Guest Speakers: Lucia Izuogu (Head of Global Nominated Signatory, AstraZeneca), Moez Youssef (Ethics, Risk & Compliance Director, Novartis) and Dr Nick Broughton (Ethos Pharmaceutical Ethics & Compliance Ltd)

Ethos was excited to kick-off the year by announcing a series of FREE lunchtime webinars with industry experts exploring all things Pharma Ethics, Risk and Compliance.

In the first of the series held on Valentine’s day, a day all about love, we reflected on the love (or lack of…) in pharma business culture. Too often, business culture is pushed aside and left to chance which ultimately leads to major ethics and compliance errors. But what can we do to fix this? How can we initiate change? Find out now by watching the webinar using the link and passcode below. 

Passcode: 18X&nap0 

December 6, 2023

The First Ethos Charity Symposium

Ethics, compliance, corporate culture and the avoidance of cockup

All proceeds from this event were donated to Bucket List Wishes 

Organisational culture can seem a fuzzy thing when compared to the written SOPs, policies, processes and training we have in place to ensure compliance. Nevertheless a ‘poor culture’ undoubtedly contributes significantly to serious compliance risk. What is it though? How do we know if business culture is broken and how do we fix it?

Throughout the day our expert speakers considered how serious ethical and compliance issues arise and the role of organisational culture within that.

Don’t worry if you didn’t attend on the day, you can still watch the on-demand recordings for a small fee of £50 + VAT. All proceedings from on-demand sales will be donated to Bucket List Wishes to support their wonderful work. 

To purchase and watch the on-demand recordings please visit the SaySo Medical streaming platform and register. 

If you attended on the day in person or virtually, you can view the on-demand recordings for FREE via the SaySo Medical streaming platform. Please ensure you use the same email address you registered for the event. 

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